The Apple Sales & Market…urce Library 1999 January
ARL Jan 99 CD 2.iso
Application Library
Networking & Communications
Portfolio™ 4.0
Scripting Extras
Set Desktop Pattern.txt
< prev
Text File
80 lines
-- 1.02 - Check to make sure we are operating under MacOS 8.0 or above
set vrs to version of application "Finder"
if (vrs does not start with "8.1") and (vrs does not start with "8.0") then
display dialog ¬
"This script requires system 8.0 or higher." buttons {"OK"} default button {"OK"}
end if
-- 1.02 - Check to make sure Portfolio is running
tell application "Finder"
set P_app to every process whose name contains "Portfolio"
if P_app is {} then
display dialog ¬
"Portfolio must be running for this script to operate." buttons {"OK"} default button {"OK"}
end if
end tell
tell application "Portfolio"
-- Go to Portfolio and find out how many items are selected in the current gallery.
set theCount to count every record of selection of front gallery
-- If no items are selected, we need to ask the user to select something and then quit.
if theCount = 0 then
display dialog ¬
"Please select one or more items in the gallery and rerun the command." buttons {"OK"} default button {"OK"}
end if
--Get the path of the first record in the selection
set pth to path of first record of the selection of front gallery
end tell
-- 1.01 - Parse Portfolio's path if it is up on a server to strip the server name.
if pth starts with "::" then
set the text item delimiters to {":"}
set argCnt to (the count of text items in pth)
set pth to (text items 4 through argCnt in (pth)) as string
end if
-- Determine whether the original file exists. If it does not, display an error and quit.
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists file pth) then
display dialog "Could not find the original file. Try updating the Portfolio record." buttons {"OK"}
end if
-- 1.01: Get the file type to determine whether it is acceptable
-- We'll accept jpeg, gif, and pict.
set fType to file type of file pth
if {"JPEG", "GIFf", "PICT"} does not contain fType then
display dialog "This file type will not work with Desktop Pictures. You must use a PICT, JPEG, or GIF." buttons {"OK"}
end if
end tell
-- Find out how the user wants the image displayed. Desktop Pictures actually allows for 5 settings,
-- but only three buttons are allowed in the standard dialog.
set theResult to display dialog "Choose how to display this image:" buttons {"Tiled", "Centered", "Scaled"} default button {"Centered"}
set chooseButton to the button returned of theResult
-- Use Desktop Pictures control panel to set the picture, based on the display choice.
tell application "Desktop Pictures"
if chooseButton = "Tiled" then
set desktop picture to (pth as alias) positioning tiled
else if chooseButton = "Centered" then
set desktop picture to (pth as alias) positioning centered
else if chooseButton = "Scaled" then
set desktop picture to (pth as alias) positioning scaled
else if chooseButton = "Filling Screen" then
set desktop picture to (pth as alias) positioning filling screen
end if
end tell